A wild Goose Chase 2024!
Goose' Scavenger Hunt running from the 8th - 22nd April.
There will be 13 items you will need to identify in total. Each day I will post a clue, of which will remain for 24 hours. Within that 24 hour window you need to identify the item I have sent you to find, and send me an in game message with the item as the subject line. Each successful guess will gain points set on per day. There may be bonus points to earn, make sure you read the message carefully.
If you sent a guess and later realise it was wrong, send another, however I will only count the last message you send me.
The winner or winners will share a bursting prize pot along with daily prizes!
None of the items will be exceptionally difficult to identify, so consistency is key.
Update 18th April 2024
Due to work/ life commitments picking up, I've been late for a number of days. As a result the new WGC "reset time" will be 0400 (4am) server time.
Update 10th April 2024
I realise that some of the discussion may dominate giveaways chat, and I feel it's too much of an ask for rangers to keep trivia open for my silly game, as a result my glamorous assistant has made a discord server for anyone that would like to chat about the game. Click here to join.
Feel free to continue chatting in game, I just don't want it to overwhelm the purpose of giveaways chat 💖
IMPORTANT: Item variants if you are certain you have worked out the clue, but it could be referencing multiple items, for example, twine, blue twine, green twine etc... If one of those are the answer I will accept any version.
Update 29/04
The Final Results!
Firstly, I want to thank all of you for participating, and being patient in the final week as work/ life balance tipped the wrong way.
Secondly, thanks to LPoppy, the WGC 2023 winner for basically carrying me through this years event. I'd have probably called it quits after the first couple of days if it weren't for her.
Lastly, thanks to those who contributed to the prize pot: LPoppy, Josie, Hikki77, Chloe, Princess Fizzy, Princess Zelda, Sarunia, Snipersgonnasnipe + those who wishes to remain anonymous.
Now, onto the final day and the results.
Poppy and I discussed, and were very strict on the items we were persuaded by, we considered many factors. Many people lost points as a result. I won't post full totals/ scores here, as mentioned in top banner, but Nyxiabel won the final day of WGC 2024...
With that... the WGC 2024 champion is....
Nyx has won the grand prize of:
2,000 gold
1x Fall basket
1x Lovely Present
1x Treat Bag 04
1x Winter Basket
1x Heart-Shaped Box
1x Holger's Lunch Box
1x Spring Basket
1x Summer Basket
1x Pot of Gold Small
1x Pot of Gold Medium
1x Pot of Gold Large
1x Magical Egg Basket
3x Cookie Sets
1x Congratulations card
100x Crunchies
2x Jokers
The Grand Finale
Welcome to the last day of the Wild Goose Chase 2024 and congratulations for making it this far!
Today you will be going on a scavenger hunt! Here is your briefing for the final day of the Wild Goose Chase 2024:
“Wild Goose Chase: International. While you have all been putting in your blood, sweat and tears, Goose has been jet setting around the world, and nabbing interesting items as he waddles from place to place. Goose has been very secretive about his travel plans; however, he has left behind a copy of his travel itinerary.
Your job? To go on a scavenger hunt, chasing Goose around the globe to figure out what he collected from each country.”
You must:
PM Goose with a list of countries he visited, as well as one item he would have bought from each of those countries. Goose is a particular fan of stereotypes, inventions, cuisines, and cultural references.
Key Points:
Since Goose already has his items, you will receive 0.5 points for each item guessed correctly. All incorrect guesses will result in 0.5 points being deducted from your overall score.
HOWEVER, if you are feeling particularly risky, the greedy Goose might just be persuaded. Goose is always looking to add to his collection of interesting items so if you can convince him that he should have picked up something else, and it's a unique item (that no one else has guessed) you will be awarded 1 bonus point per item instead of having 0.5 points deducted.
Best of luck and thank you all for participating!
P.S. If you don't see anything on the map, swipe to the right.
Additional static map if preferred
Day 13 Results!
The clue was "You may choose whatever your heart desires, but beware, there is only one to be acquired and it must not be shared."
The solution to this puzzle was to submit a totally unique answer for 5 points. Individuals who guessed the most common answer were deducted... however, while there were duplicate answers throughout the day... with people changing their answers we finished with 0 duplicate answers! No point deductions.
The players who got points were:
Farmer Rosalia
I'm going to send everyone who earned points today 25 gold each! That's a total prize pot for today of 375g!
Day 13 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "You may choose whatever your heart desires, but beware, there is only one to be acquired and it must not be shared."
Identify the main item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 5 points.
There are secret point adjustments on offer.
Day 13 runs until around 0400 on 21st April, when this message will change.
Day 12 Results!
The clue was "Speak friend and enter" item provides the main points. "Find the key from the clue" item provides bonus points. Clues are related.
This is a lord of the ring reference, "friend" in Elvish is "Mellon".
The main point item was "Watermelon".
If you search the FRPG library for the word "mellon", you'll also see that this is a mailbox secret password for "Frozen Playground Key". This was the bonus point item.
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 3,784. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
With Blue.1414 being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 200 gold, Pot of Gold (large), Box of Chocolates 01, 10 Crunchies, 1x Joker and a 50 egg baskets!
Day 12 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "Speak friend and enter" item provides the main points. "Find the key from the clue" item provides bonus points. Clues are related.
Identify the main item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 2 points.
For 2 bonus points identify the bonus item, and place that in the body of the message.
In the body of the message, guess how many of the main point item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 2 additional points each. My inventory capacity is 16,704 .
Day 12 runs until around 0400 on 20th April, when this message will change.
Day 11 Results!
The clue was ""time of death, but yet again something is missing, find the what and find the why".
To find the what, you needed to start with finding the "why". "time of death" + "y"(why) = "time of deathy" of which can be unscrambled to "item of the day". Day 11's Item of the day, which was "Rice" (will accept "Frozen Pine" also, since the IOTD changes after midnight server time, but no one guessed that)
To find the "why" item, you simply had to find the only item that has the word "why" in the description. Answer: "Axe".
I had 12,309 rice in my inventory at the time of posting.
What: Rice
Why: Axe
How many rice? 12,309
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 12,309. These were awarded to the 4 players below:
With Josie being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 200 gold, 1x Cookie set, 1x Protein Bar, 10 Crunchies, 1x Joker and a 50 egg baskets!
Day 11 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "time of death, but yet again something is missing, find the what and find the why".
Identify the item (the what) and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 2 points.
For 2 bonus points identify the bonus item (the why), and place that in the body of the message.
If you get them both and have them mixed up in the message, don't worry I'll count both (although it could mess up the more bonus points below.
For more bonus points, in the body of the message, guess how many of the main point item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 2 additional points each. My inventory capacity is 16,686 .
Day 11 runs until around 0400 on 18th April, when this message will change.
Day 10 Results!
The clue was a crossword and the solution shown below gives provides the answer of "Lemon Cream Pie".
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 281. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
Velvet Moon
With ZigZagKitty (who was 1 away from the exact number!) being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Franks Basket, Heart Container, 10 Crunchies, 1x Joker and a 50 egg baskets!
Day 10 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
Today's clue is:
Identify the item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 3 points.
For bonus points, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 2 additional points each. My inventory capacity is 16,650 .
Day 10 runs until around 0200 on 18th April, when this message will change.
Day 9 Results!
The clue was "A weapon fit for Brutus. A sea creature creating light. How do I cook this 300xp meal again? Find this in condensed water vapor. You have your list, now what's the item?".
The answer for this was "Grab Bag 05".
A weapon fit for Brutus. Backstabbing Dagger
A sea creature creating light. Anglerfish
How do I cook this 300xp meal again? George's Onion Soup
Find this in condensed water vapor. Runestone 05
You have your list, now what's the item?
First letter from the first 3, and the number from the final. BAG 05 or...
Answer is "Grab Bag 05".
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 1,916. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
Maul of Mordicus
Velvet Moon
With Velvet Moon being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Franks Basket, Pot of Gold (small), 10 Crunchies and a 50 egg baskets!
Day 9 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
Firstly, sorry for the delay on this one! End time will remain unchanged.
The clue is "A weapon fit for Brutus. A sea creature creating light. How do I cook this 300xp meal again? Find this in condensed water vapor. You have your list, now what's the item?".
Identify the item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 2 points.
For bonus points, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 2 additional points each. My inventory capacity is 16,632 .
Day 9 runs until around 0200 on 17th April, when this message will change.
Day 8 Results!
The clue was "67 7 19 // 22 20 15 20".
The answer for this was "Dice". This was broken up into 2 parts.
The numbers "67 7 19" are all references to the periodic table, and would spell "honk". 67=Holmium ho, 7=Nitrogen n & 19=Potassium k.
So now you have honk // 22 20 15 20. The second string of numbers are the amount of times you need to shift each letter in honk to get the correct word.
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 15,768. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
It's an even split between this motley crew as to who was closest... as a result, I will post their prize winning tie breaker around noon today.
Update: I've drawn the winner, I announced in discord when I was doing it for full transparency. I rolled a dice for the winner, and it was Mar! Winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, 1x cookie set, 50x Breakfast Boosts, 5x Crunchies and a 100 egg baskets!
Day 8 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "67 7 19 // 22 20 15 20".
Identify the item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 2 points.
For bonus points, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 2 additional points each. My inventory capacity is 16,614 .
Day 8 runs until around 0200 on 15th April, when this message will change.
Day 7!
On Sunday's we rest... give that brain a break.
Day 6 Results!
The clue was "Use your 🔎 and look for the bear under the Key.".
The answer for this one was "Wine". You can blame @LPoppy for this brilliantly unholy puzzle. The solution was to use the player search function, to find the player named "Key" and find their pet bear named "Wine". Huzzah!
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 12,707. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
Maul of Mordicus
With Josie being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Green Backpack and a 100 egg baskets!
Day 6 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "Use your 🔎 and look for the bear under the Key.".
Identify the item and send me a message with the item as the subject name for 4 points.
For a bonus point, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get 1 additional point each. My inventory capacity is 16,470 .
Day 6 runs until around 0200 on 14th April, when this message will change. (Sunday will not have a puzzle!)
Day 5 Results!
The clue was "Goose needs you to go shopping. He has prepared a list, however there is one problem. There's something that he needs but he just can't remember what it is... can you help him?
2-Tackle Box
The answer for this one was "Radish" and could be found by using the number sequence provided with the letters provided
2-Tackle Box
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 13,626. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
Master Farmer
With ShioRiRi being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Box of Chocolate 01 and a 75 egg baskets!
Day 5 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "Goose needs you to go shopping. He has prepared a list, however there is one problem. There's something that he needs but he just can't remember what it is... can you help him?
2-Tackle Box
Identify the item and send me an a message with the item as the subject name for 2 points. For a bonus point, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get an additional point each. My inventory capacity is 16,452 .
Day 5 runs until around 0200 on 13th April, when this message will change.
Day 4 Results!
The clue was
"I can lift you up and make your relief sweet, or invite some dribs and drabs when tossed in the deep. Like a fragrant early hour or an Elmer Fudd, none of these objects require a man on the moon to be a boon. What am I, that can be so many things and yet remain rare? The answer to this riddle is here and there."
We also posted a picture of an ATM machine with some strange words on it. The ATM machine was a bonus clue pointing you in the direction of something called "Cockney Rhyming Slang". If you worked that bit out, you may have come up with something that looks like this
"I can lift you up and make your relief sweet, or invite some crabs when tossed in the deep. Like a fragrant flower or an spud(potato), none of these objects require a spoon to be a boon. What am I, that can be so many things and yet remain rare? The answer to this riddle is (fancy)chair."
The main point answer was "Fancy Chair" or simply "chair" will do.
The bonus point answers were "crabs", "flower", "potato" and "spoon". If you listed these words in any variation, you'll have gotten either 1 or two bonus points.
The players that guessed earned bonus points are:
Blue.1414 (2bp)
Celaena Sardothien (2bp)
Dino (2bp)
Farmer Rosalia (2bp)
Hair (2bp)
Jackfruit (2bp)
Josie (2bp)
Lograna (2bp)
Mar (2bp)
Maul of Mordicus (2bp)
Momoxor (2bp)
NewYearCupOfTea (2bp)
notabrain (2bp)
Nyxiabel (2bp)
Omni (2bp)
orange moose (2bp)
Pieroman (2bp)
Pkay (2bp)
Queenbrim (2bp)
Sarunia (2bp)
Snotspell (2bp)
Velvet Moon (2bp)
ZigZagKitty (2bp)
OhMahJosh (2bp)
Brucey (1bp)
The tie breaker today will be a duck race, which will hopefully be below this... winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Spring Basket and a 50x egg baskets!!
Day 4 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is:
"I can lift you up and make your relief sweet, or invite some dribs and drabs when tossed in the deep. Like a fragrant early hour or an Elmer Fudd, none of these objects require a man on the moon to be a boon. What am I, that can be so many things and yet remain rare? The answer to this riddle is here and there.".
Identify the item and send me an a message with the item as the subject name for 1 point.
For bonus points, in the body of the message, tell me the 4 bonus items identified in the clue. I will award 1BP if you find any of the hidden items. 2BPs if you identify all of them.
Day 4 runs until around 0200 on 12th April, when this message will change.
Day 3 Results!
The clue was "-2503-0401-2501-2903-0103-0101-0201-0403". with a bonus clue here on cornhub presenting as an update. Each of the numbers were dates formatted dd/mm, and all were for 2024. The first letter of each of those updates provided the letters "P S N I F H A S" of which can be unscambled to make SNAP FISH, and thus "Mulberry Snapper".
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 2,874. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
With Brucey being the closest and winning a bonus prize of... 100 gold, Cornucopia 01 and a cookie set!
Day 3 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is
Day 2 Results!
The clue was "Isn't it curious that a certain item has its own special day on the US calendar? 🗓️ Mark your calendars for *June 25th* and tell us where you'll be celebrating!". The 25th June is National catfish day in the US, so the answer was "Catfish".
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 4,966. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
With Dino and LinkJason10j, and winning a bonus prize of... 5x Crunchy Omelettes and 1x Spring Basket each!
Day 2 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "Isn't it curious that a certain item has its own special day on the US calendar? 🗓️ Mark your calendars for *June 25th* and tell us where you'll be celebrating!".
Identify the item and send me an a message with the item as the subject name for 1 point. For a bonus point, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get an additional point each. My inventory capacity is 16,272 .
Day 2 runs until around 0200 on 10th April, when this message will change.
Day 1 Results!
The clue was "smllslkthfrst". This is can be turned into "smells like the forest" if you find the correct spot for the correct vowels! And is the item description for the item "Pine Cone"
The players that guessed the closest number to the amount I held got a bonus point each, that number was 10,263. These were awarded to the 5 players below:
Farmer Anya
Maul of Mordicus
With Farmer Anya and Pkay being joint closest, and winning a bonus prize of a cookie set each!
Day 1 of The Wild Goose Chase 2024
The clue is "smllslkthfrst". Identify the item and send me an a message with the item as the subject name for 1 point. For a bonus point, in the body of the message, guess how many of this item I have in my inventory at the time of posting.
The closest 5 players will get an additional point each. My inventory capacity is 16,236 .
Day 1 runs until around 0200 on 9th April, when this message will change.